“Twas the (week) before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.”

It’s difficult to believe that it has been a whole six months since the start of the 2011 Flood. Believe it or not, I’m back in our once flooded home creating this post now. Though I’ve managed to escape blogging for the past few months, tonight felt like the best possible night to rekindle that relationship. With the Christmas tree next to me and the artificial Santa nearby let’s begin this story by reflecting on the past…

Let’s set the scene, shall we?

Back in June, I was preparing for my first summer away from home. The plan was to stay in Lincoln while continuing my internship and other college related tasks, though Dam Water Problems had another idea in mind. Not only, did it create a leak in those plans (yes, it is still acceptable to make flood related puns), but it also threw a few life curve balls in my family’s way.

Let’s flash forward a bit…

By the end of the summer we had our doubts about reassembling the life we once lived yet we were still positive that our long, exhausting journey was not a waste. Everything happens for a reason. Or at least we hope, right?

Flashing forward a little bit more…

Over the next few months we cleaned, remodeled, emptied the semi (I actually was no help in this aspect, see note below), unpacked and are now almost back to normal…or at least what I assume is normal.

Present day..

Now, six months after the beginning of the flood we are blessed enough to be spending this holiday season together and are beyond thankful for all of the people who have helped us through our Dam Water Problems journey. Gold stars for every one of you!

And now for that note!

As stated above, one of the most extreme tasks was to unload the semi truck that once held everything from our home. And by everything, I literally mean everything…right down to that obnoxious set of Christmas carolers that, for some reason or another, never get taken down after the holidays. Since I’m in the giving mood, let’s give out even more gold stars for all of the wonderful people that helped with this task; it’s obvious that I didn’t get the ‘opportunity’ to help unload that semi (so unfortunate) but for everyone that did, you are complete Rockstars!

*Disclaimer: Gold stars are NOT redeemable for cash or other prizes, they are more so a euphemism for a ‘pat on the back’ or a ‘job well done’. For gold star related complaints please call 1-800-DAMSTARPROBLEMS

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